Cross tab, Group Matrix, Cluster Analysis of Research creates Modern Science

October 27, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Workshop Nvivo12 plus  and publication article intelligence organised by Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) Unversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta has positive impact for all participant on human resources development that majority as lecture in Sulawesi. Other word, the  beneficial from workshop though shaped a good quality and quantity on international publication.
In the occasion, there are 18 participant from different institution in South Sulawesi. On the other hand, JKSG team included Prof. Nurmandi, M.Sc , Salahudin,S,IP.,M.Si., M.P.A and Dian Suluh Kusuma Dewi,S.Sos.I.,M.P.A hypnotise all participant to learn and try to analysis the data using Nvivo12 Plus. Workshop on Nvivo12 Plus held at Amaris Hertasning Hotel Makassar on 26-27th October 2019.

I’m so grateful, Alhamdulilah Wasysykurillah for me this first time learn and try to analysis the data with Nvivo12 plus is so amaze – (Radiah Hamid) as participant in workshop.

there are so many good testimonial from participant after joining in Workshop Nvivo12 Plus

Thanks you so much for all JKSG team Prof. Nurmandi, Mr. Salahudin and Mrs. Dian Suluh for all experiences and knowledge to improve skill and ability . I’m apologise if there are something unexpected from all event. – Rahma (STIK Tamalatea Makassar).
I’m so appreciated for Prof. Nurmandi , Mr.Salahudin, Mrs. Dian for training organised almost 2 days is unexpected for me. I hope next events there are workshop related to create good article. Aziz Thaba

There are classification of material on workshop based on trainers, as follows:

  1. Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc

The material related to:
a. How to makes good structure and strategy in Academic writing
b. Introduces and Understanding about Nvivo12 Plus and Mendeley
c. Management the Data analysis in Nvivo12 plus (I) included creates data, code and case.
     2. Salahudin, S.IP.,M.Si.,M.P.A
The material related to:
a. Management the Data analysis in Nvivo12 plus (II), Included :

  • Import the data file and literature review from mendeley
  • Import and Capture the data from Website, media and Social Media (Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and other)
  • Classification of data ( Article, interview, and Books)
  • Case Classification (Informant, organisation, location, research)

b. Coding the data research analysis included:

  • Strategic and coding data in Nvivo12 plus
  • Coding documents (Rules, News,Content and Social Media)
  • Coding from result on interview also FGD

    3. Dian Suluh Kusuma Dewi, S.Sos.I,. M.P.A
the material related to:
a. Data analysis use Nvivo12 Plus (I) as follows Cross tab, Group matrix, Cluster Analysis
b. Data analysis use Nvivo12 Plus (II) as follows Hierarchy, Project Map, Mapping also diagram comparison
c. Content analysis from Twitter, Video, Youtube and Pictures
d. Social network analysis from Socio-gram and Twitter
e. Narrative Technic analysis uses Nvivo12 plus
Name all Participants:
1. Herman Dema, S.Pd, S.I.P, M.Si
2. Drs. Asdi, MM
3. Dr.Ratna Dewi, M.Hum.
4. Dr. Haslinda, S.Pd, M.Pd
5. Siti Usmia, S.E.,M.M
6. Sri Ningsih
7. Dr. Ammang Latifa
8. Dr. Rafi’ah Nur, M.Hum
9. Dr. St. Asriati. AM, S.Pd.,M.Hum
10. Dr. Rahmawati Azis, S.K.M., M.Si
11. Pak yusuf
12. Pak Ade Putra Ode Amane, S.Sos., M.Si
14. Badirudin Basir, S.Kom., M.M., S.Kom.
15. Pak ahmad mustanir
16. Pak jamal
17. Dra.Radiah Hamid.M.Pd
18. Aziz Thaba, S. Pd., M. Pd.
19. Dr.Syamsiarna Nappu, M.Pd.
20. Abd. Karim Mahmut