Kristina Van Dexter, Researcher from George Marson University, USA.

March 15, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Kristina Van Dexter is one of researcher from George Marson University doing research in Indonesia collaborate with Jusuf Kalla School of Government in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The topics of research related to oil palm planation in East Kalimantan. Today (March 15, 2019) Kristina as speakers in Public lecture with Mr. Eko Priyo Purnomo,Ph.D as Secretary of JKSG and Mrs. Dina Wahyu Trisnawati, Ph.D from agriculture faculty in UMY.

In this season, Kristina said “Kalimantan is largest area in Indonesia with cases forest burn area and change to oil palm planation”. The interesting with East Kalimantan about oil palm with supported data about investor from Malaysia joining in program Indonesia-Malaysia oil palm area especially border area. And then, Kristina living near with Amazon areas, she said in Amazon area’s use by society use for farmer and economy growth. Furthermore, the cases of research has problem consist of illegal licensing and negative impact for environment.
Based on the UU no 22 in 1999, the autonomy about the local area in province use of natural resources. The problem of the cases related to limited governance and law in Indonesia about policy so make impact for illegally. The largest area palm plantation in Indonesia is East Kalimantan, until 61 % area in province is forest area. The impact positive from palm plantation related to faster economic growth and negative impact is forest degradation, climate change, monoculture economy, the promotion of land grabbing and more forest fire.
The purpose of research doing by Kristina can be knowing main problem of oil palm plantation in East Kalimantan, and knowing the actor support this policy. In the future, hopefully JKSG can be support and collaborated another researcher joining the research (Ghea/JKSG)