Marcu Buana University (UMB) corporation with Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

February 23, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta (15/1) External relations between the University which is good if  consistently can provide positive benefits for the sustainability of the University. As part of the agenda of the Study Tour, Innovation, Alumnae, and International Affairs, University of Mercu Buana (UMB) Jakarta visited parts of Cooperation and International Relations (CIA) Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University in order to learn more about international relations and international units others on Tuesday (15/1) at the AR Fachruddin B.
Dewi Nursaningrum, M.Si and Adriansyah, ST., MTI as UMB faculty said they were delighted to meet with Eko Priyo Purnomo, M.Res., Ph.D and Jordan Gunawan, SH, MBA., MH, CIA UMY. This cooperation agenda of the visit began with a presentation and continued with the discussion. During the discussion, UMB shown their willingness to collaborate with UMY to learn and share about the program and the International Collaboration. Dewi, as Lecturer UMB said that “the most challenging part is to implement international partnerships have reciprocal action.”
The statement also approved by Eko, but he underlined that to build and maintain the foundation will be the most difficult, we must be willing to give more than to take more for the first step. Party Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University both Eko and Jordan, explaining that UMY has struggles to become a leading university and its efforts to gain international cooperation more mutually beneficial.
Both the University of the future could expect a good mutual relations and reciprocal cooperation. As a final agenda, the agenda of this meeting was closed by exchanging tokens of appreciation and a visit to the University. The event took place with a relaxed but focused. So as to provide a positive atmosphere for the second meeting of the university. (Riska) (