public lecture on Social Protection System for Minority Groups: Comparative Policies in the United States and Indonesia

December 21, 2015, oleh: superadmin

JKSG in cooperation with JKSG and AIFIS organized monthly public lecture on June 9th, 2015 focusing on Social Protection System for Minority Groups: Comparative Policies in the United States and Indonesia. As guest speakers are Ms. Vanessa Guest, Ph.D –a political analist of the US Embassy to Indonesia and Mr. Aris Suparman Wijaya, Ph.D of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Ms. Guest highlighted the transformation of protection system for minority groups in the US. This transformation was divided into several movements in different times starting from women empowerment, equal right movement of African-American and recently the equal right movement of LGBT groups. Meanwhile Mr. Aris was more focused on the social protection program for disable and disadvantaged people in Yogyakarta.
As the conclusion both countries still have on going problems and that equal right movements remain a long journey, however Ms. Guest emphasized that to deal with any act of discrimation the state must firmly follow and enforce the law.