Public Seminar

August 8, 2016, oleh: superadmin

Public Seminar on “The Public Procurement for Social Justice: the Challenging Public Procurement Research”


Saturday, 6th August 2016, JKSG had Public Seminar on “The Public Procurement For Social Justice: The Challenging Public Procurement Research” with speakers Prof. Khi Thai Ph.D from Florida Atlantic University (USA) and Rizal Yaya Ph.D from Department of Accounting Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, which was moderated by Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, chairman JKSG. First speaker is Prof. Khi Thai Ph.D, he discusses about the challenges in the provision of public goods and services that is troubling is corruption. He said that public procurement is an important government function, the which handles a large portion of annual budgets. In public procurement also haruis there are 4 pillars, namely:

  • Pillar I – Legislative and Regulatory Framework
  • Pillar II. Institutional Framework and Management Capacity
  • Pillar III. Procurement Operations and Market Practices
  • Pillar IV. Integrity and Transparency of the Public Procurement System

The second speaker is Rizal Yaya Ph.D he discusses the Challenges of Public Procurement in Indonesia. As we known that Indonesia has a lot of problems associated with infrastructure that is the one reason the existence of corruption in public procurement. When Indonesia compared with other ASEAN countries, GDP per capita Indonesia was ranked fourth after thailand so that infrastructure development in Indonesia still low.

At the end of the event organizers give a memento to the speakers and after that a photo session.

  1. Seminar August 2016
  2. Challenges of Public Procurement in Indonesia