Research Collaboration: Aulia Nur Kasiwi S.IP., M.IP with Asia University, Taiwan

June 28, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Aulia Nur Kasiwi S.IP., M.IP as the researcher fellow of Asia University, Taiwan and the Researcher of Jusuf Kalla School of Government doing presentation about her research collaborated with Asia University, Taiwan such as the member is Prof. Yong S.Tan, Prof. Chen Nung and Theng Eric. Other hand, Aulia Nur Kasiwi S.IP., M.IP as the co-authors of Prof. Achmad Nurmandi and Assist.Prof Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi MA. (June 28th, 2019)
Their research is talking about how the government agencies can hear the opinion and perception of thus citizen in the social media as the big platform for all the people whom regret to communicated each other. Their research still in the first publication an they are committed to pursued their research with 2 more publication about public transportation between Surabaya and Taichung City.