Internationalization as effort to build university and improve quality standard of education

April 11, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Purwanto Subroto Ph.D. is speakers in Workshop on International Curriculum’s, Dual Degree and International Accreditation in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on April 5, 2019. Mr. Purwato as Directorate General of Science, Technology and Higher Internationalization Affairs. In this event, Mr. Purwanto discusses Indonesia Corporation is important, Key Issues in higher education, International accreditation, types of programs, and others. According to Purwanto Subroto, Indonesia needs another country to find a solution in global challenges. There is a reason the International corporation is important for developing country, as follows: first, International corporation opens the job opportunities to people, which that their countries conduct the international corporation. secondly, the million of effort and assistance provided when the country faces the natural disaster. And last, the global corporation will shift the people paradigms.
Indonesia has rankings number 9 in Southeast Asia and number 292 in world rankings university in worlds. As for criteria of World University Rankings, as follows:

  1. Faculty student ration 20%
  2. Citation per faculty 20%
  3. Employer Reputation 10%
  4. Academics Reputation 40%
  5. International student ratio 5% and International staff 5%

Besides that, Ristekdikti’s has  Strategic action plans toward internationalization, are :

  1. Increasing international accreditation, including administrative, leadership, structural, student mobility and others
  2. Optimizing international collaborations has indicator to make online services for student permit (student visa), Online service for academic collaboration permit (joint/Double degrees), Online service for report of university collaboration, and Grants for international collaboration.
  3. Increasing student and staff mobility
  4. Increase study program international accreditation’s.