The success stories from Japan; Researcher of JKSG

October 14, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Reputable University is one of motto a researcher from JKSG, Mr. Eko Priyo Purnomo,PhD head of coorporation Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. As alumna from Bradford University, He has a lot experiences and knowledge how a makes networking between other institutions.
In currently, Mr. Eko Priyo corporates with Japan University.

“I presented my University (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta) at the 6th Rectors Meeting in Hiroshima. I spoke with the best 20 University in Japan and 30 University in Indonesia” He said.

The key success creates reputable university is corporation. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta has good relation with universities in world. Khon Kaen University (Thailand), Asia University (Taiwan), De La Salle (Spain), Sun Moon University (Korea), Universitas Utara Malaysia (Malaysia), for instances.

On the other hand, The offices handled by Mr. Eko has appreciation from University as best offices. The spirit and consistency from Mr.Eko can be emulated for students. As good lecture concern toward ecology and ICT research fields, its bring new scientific discoveries for humanities and social sciences. (G)