Improving the Quality of UMY Academic Works, LRI Explores Digital Publication Prospects

May 21, 2022, oleh: superadmin

Improving the quality of book distribution in the digital era through the use of e-books is essential for attracting more readers. In addition, the publication of digital books or e-books can mitigate the impact of author losses on book piracy. On Thursday (19/5), the Research and Innovation Institute of the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (LRI UMY) hosted a workshop for academics at UMY to discuss the future of digital publishing (e-books) in Indonesia. The online event featured a number of resource persons, including representatives from the National Library of Indonesia, PT. Gramedia, and PT. Wolu Aksaramaya.

The Head of the Sub-Directorate of the National Library of Indonesia, Ratna Gunarti, discussed the existence of a policy regarding the publication of books and its implementation so that E-books have an ISBN. The policy governing the publication of books in digital format has been regulated and is supported by law. This program continues to this day. In 2016, the National Library collaborated with Aksaramaya on the acquisition of digital books, which could increase the number of ISBN applications for digital books. There are a number of factors that make it easier for authors to distribute their work, but they must be selected and receive technical guidance,” he explained.

Ratna further explained that e-books published through the i-Pusnas program are given priority when managing the ISBN. “Publications resulting from the iPusnas book procurement program that are published as e-books will receive priority and special handling in the ISBN management,” he added.

Bagus Adam, Digital Content PT. Gramedia disclosed that the number of people interested in reading digital books has quadrupled since March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “Young adults in the productive age range of 26 to 40 years account for 61 percent of the interest in reading digital books.” This demonstrates that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift in reader interest from printed books to digital books,” he said.

However, Bagus also described the difficulties associated with publishing digital books, including those susceptible to book piracy. “Therefore, several efforts to combat digital book piracy include providing inexpensive subscription services, collaborating with anti-piracy marketplaces and digital-based public libraries, and fostering synergy between authors and writers,” he said.

Through the development of the UMY digital library platform, Sulsmo Sudharno, CEO of PT. Wolu Aksamaya, stated that UMY has the potential to develop digital publications of the works of lecturers and students. UMY must develop digital publishing through UMY Press and monitor it through UMY Digital Libraries and libraries throughout Indonesia, integrate with existing service applications, implement learning management system modules so that UMY’s digital library collections can be used for teaching and learning activities, and create a marketplace at UMY digital library.” (Sofia)
