Student of Government Affairs and Administration get an Achievement in National Level : Lomba Festival Ilmiah 2017

September 25, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta, the Student of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta get an achievement as the Winner of Lomba Festival Ilmiah 2017 that was held by Association of Sharia Economics Studies (ACSES) Faculty of Economic and Bussiness Universitas Airlangga. Rido Argo Mukti, Chandra Kusuma Wardana, Meisya Rani as the Group of the Competition as the young academision say that this activity establishing friendships, discussions about economic studies focus on Islamic philanthropy, as well as the value of competitions to compete to be the best in the scope of students at the national level. this activity also has a purpose in testing and improving the ability of students in formulating a strategy to implement Islamic Economy in the process of state development. Champion is just a bonus of hard work and effort. However, the more valuable is teamwork and the spirit to abstain. We know it is not easy for UMY teams to compete with other universities. There teamwork is needed, “said ridho. Ridho added that the participation of students of Governmental Science majors in this event merupakam concrete form of governmental science majors in the utilization of knowledge, competence and experience in order to improve the competitiveness of students to realize sustainable development, especially in Indonesia. With this achievement, it is expected to have a positive impact on scholarship and competence for students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta