UMY Leadership Strengthens Synergy with Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

September 16, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Image result for Pimpinan UMY Kuatkan Sinergi Dengan Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
The leaders of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) hosted a silaturahim (friendly meeting) with the Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta leaders on the fifth floor of AR. Fachrudin A building, UMY Central Campus, on Saturday (7/9). With the meeting themed around “Empowerment of Ranting-level and Cabang-level Organizations to Strengthen Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah Values for Lecturers and Educators”, the synergy between UMY and the Yogyakarta branch of Muhammadiyah can hopefully be maintained and strengthened.
The Rector of UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto M.P., stresses the importance of said synergy, especially in economic development. He thinks that so far, Muhammadiyah members have not paid attention to stores and retail chains that provide everyday needs under the Muhammadiyah banner.
“We use Muhammadiyah as a market, as a way to fulfill our daily needs such as rice, so the money we use still stays within the Muhammadiyah environment. Muslims are still tread underfoot and underestimated because we don’t have the strength, and we don’t use the potential we have. We must inform this in ranting, cabang, majlis ta’lim meetings, and on other occasions,” Gunawan stated in front of an audience.
This meeting is also a place for the new members of UMY’s Board of Directors (BPH) to introduce themselves. At this occasion, BPH UMY has five members, namely Dr. Agung Danarto, M.Ag. as the leader, Drs. H. Sahari as secretary, Drs. Sukiman,M.A as treasurer, and two other members. “In this opportunity, UMY would like to introduce the new members of the BPH. we want to create a stronger synergy with Muhammadiah in this meeting. This is the era of synergy, so those without connections will be left behind. Muhammadiyah, as a veteran organization, has several connections that need more synergy,” Agung stated.
UMY has Muhammadiyah members consisting of lecturers and employees from different backgrounds. To create a strong synergy between the 600 strong members, an emphasis to be active in Muhammadiyah organizational activities were implemented. “UMY requires its lecturers and employees to be active in Muhammadiyah organizational activities. The UMY leadership also hopes that the local Muhammadiyah management can teach UMY lecturers and employees to be active in the organization, so they have a stronger knowledge of Muhammadiyah affairs and can benefit from each other,” Agung closed.
At the same opportunity, UMY, represented by the head of BPH symbolically empowered the branchs of Muhammadiyah.