Welcoming New Student of International Class Government Affairs and Administration, UMY

September 6, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Monday, September 4th, 2017. In the first day of studying at university, new students of International Program of Governmental Affairs and Administration (IGOV) were invited by the Director of IGOV, Rijal Ramdhani, S.IP., M.A for attending a welcoming party that being organized by IGOV Students Community (IGSC), with a theme “Ready To Be an IGOVERS. This event was held at Amphitheater, 4th Floor of Pascasarjana Building. In the next year IGOV will start sending its students for the exchange program to ASIA University, Taiwan. The two Thammasat University students, who also attended the event share their stories about their decision to come to Indonesia, especially to IGOV-UMY. Followed by sharing exchange experiences by the IGOV students who have been studied aboard in Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, and South Korea. The seniors gave some tips and trick to the new students. they also encourage them to work hard and be serious while they are studying at IGOV. (IGOV)