Trainer NVivo 12 Plus FISIP UMY

November 5, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Tuesday, 5 November 2019 Trainer NVivo resumed his training in the UMM FISIP Meeting Room
The benefits of NVivo 12 Plus are increasingly felt, not only among students, but now the Lecturers are also enthusiastic about learning this Application.

Likewise, the Lecturers of Government Science at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, they earnestly studied the NVivo 12 Plus Application.
Those who attended the training included.

  1. Ulung Pribadi, M. Si
  2. pil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, M.A
  3. Isnaeni Mualllidin, M. PA
  4. Rijal Ramdani, S. IP., M. PA
  5. David Efendi, S. IP., M.A
  6. Tunjung Sulaksono, S. IP., M. Si
  7. Muhammad Eko Atmojo, S. IP., M. IP