Jusuf Kalla School of Government Released a New Book "Teknologi Informasi Pemerintahan"

August 24, 2020, oleh: superadmin

The development of education, especially in tertiary institutions, has been so rapid, the need for students to be literacy sources, especially for books that are references for their studies, is vast. However, the books present and describe their needs for the chosen field of study are still inadequate. The presence of books that are specific, systematic and under the demands of their chosen field of study will be a necessity for them.
Likewise, in Government Science, the need for books that become literacy for students today is so great. However, all of that will be slightly resolved by the presence of the book “Teknologi Informasi Pemerintahan (TIP)”. The explanation in this book is very detailed and systematic under what is needed by students, especially students of government science. The authors involved in the preparation of this book are experts who are competent in their respective fields so that what is presented is following the students need.
Jusuf Kalla School of Government in collaboration with UMY Press and Kesatuan Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia (KAPSIPI) released a new book with the authors Achmad Nurmandi, Dewi Kurniasih, Supardal and Aulia Nur Kasiwi entitled “Government Information Technology (TIP)”.
Hopefully, this book becomes one of the tools for the development of government scientists to grow so it can give birth to intellectuals who are responsible and highly dedicated to their profession.