Publish or Perish: Academic Citation Analysis

January 18, 2020, oleh: superadmin

Acceleration Workshop Publications with Artificial Intelligence and NVivo12 JKSG Plus organized in cooperation with Muhammadiyah STISIP Sinjai recognize some software/application, Saturday (18/1/2020)
Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M. Sc provides some software/applications that can support the process of writing one of which is Publish or Perish.

Publish or Perish (PoP) is a software/application to retrieve and analyze academic citations. These applications introduced since October 2006 and have been progressing and update to date. Publish or Perish use google scholar query to obtain information about the citation, which is then analyzed and converted into several statistics. This application is used by the Internet network connection which can be run on Windows systems, Linux and Macintosh. The results are available which can be copied to the Windows clipboard (to run into other applications) or saved to a variety of output formats (for future reference or further analysis (Harzing, 2011).

The application is designed to help academics (individuals) to present the impact of research even if it has a little quote. Moreover, it can also be used to decide which journals will be submitted, to prepare a job interview, to conduct a review of literature, to conduct a bibliometric study, or to do your homework before meeting with the academic writers. The resulting metrics among others: the total number of articles and number of citations; average citations per article, citations per author, and citations per year; h-index and g-index-related parameters; h-index of three variations of the individual; The average annual increase in the h-index individual; age-weighted rate quotes; analysis of the number of authors per article. The general rule is that whenever someone application academics (author) show good citation metrics, the author may have made a significant impact in the field,

Other applications introduced by Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M. Sc during the workshop, among others, Mendeley Desktop, Grammarly, Quillbot