Smart City Program's as interesting issues

October 17, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta (October 17th 2019) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta that was event provided by lectures. Smart City is interesting issues who student to makes undergraduates thesis. There are six indicator in smart city as follows: 1). Smart Government 2). Smart Environment 3). Smart Mobility 4). Smart Environment 5). Smart Economy 6). Smart Living.
In currently, Yogyakarta joined smart city program’s since 2014. Jogja Smart Services (JSS) application is one of government technology affairs provides society in administration fields. In provinces level, Smart Province’s as foundation for all city and subdistrict area in Yogyakarta.
In the occasion, Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta was invite a speaker from Department of Communication and  Information, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Dr. Sayuri Egaravanda, S.Kom, M.Eng. is a Head of Public Services Application fields in department.

“Jogja Smart Provinces (JSP) is a application handled by government that was function for administration affairs. Increased of government services more effectiveness and efficient is a purpose”. She said.

Expand of networking an area more easy and quickly. The reason why JSP needed for society that were features related government affairs. With online registration who people related government is easy to do. Hopefully, the student creates new research related smart city program’s because is interesting issues for all students.